Clinical work:
The main clinical bases of the department are:
- Central Clinical Hospital
Address: Almaty, street Zhandossova, 6.
Phone: 7727274 80 81
- Internal Medicine KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.
Address: Almaty, Raimbek 50A Avenue, corner of Dzhangeldin street
- City Clinical Hospital № 7
Address: district Kalkaman
Phone: +7 (727) 270-86-16
- Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital “Aksay”
Address: Upper Kamenka
The introduction into clinical practice:
- Algorithm for the treatment of ischemic stroke
- Algorithm for treatment of hemorrhagic stroke
Conference planned for clinical sites:
– Recent angioneurology (November 2013)
– Multiple sclerosis. Modern methods of treatment (May 2014)