Faculty of Postgraduate Education

Implementation of residency educational programs to provide the healthcare system with competitive specialists, the work of the faculty is focused on training highly qualified medical personnel for the healthcare system of Kazakhstan.
  1. Implementation of the development strategy, mission and policy of KazNMU in the areas of activity of the division.
  2. Coordination, planning, organization and control of the educational process for residency educational programs.

The history of the faculty dates back to the opening of the Faculty of Advanced Training (FAT) in 1993. The dean of the FAT for 15 years was Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Semenova Raisa Ivanovna.

In its present form, the internship has existed since 1999, when the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 28, 1999 No. 1469 “On measures to further improve medical education in the republic” prescribed to open, starting from the 1999-2000 academic year, internships in specialties in the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan “General Medicine” and “Pediatrics”, and from the 2006-2007 academic year – “Dentistry” and “Oriental Medicine”. By the decision of the CMS of the University, an educational committee for internship was formed at the Faculty of Medicine, in 2001. a department for the distribution of graduates was created, the head of the department was Dyusembaev Bilimzhan Kuandykovich. During these years, the foundation of the organizational and methodological base was laid in 5 areas of training interns; the competition “The best graduate among medical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was organized; the system of distribution of graduates to the place of future employment has been restored. Since 2006, the department has been reformed into an independent faculty, the reason for this was the need to unite the internship departments in order to form a unified strategy and tactics. The first dean of the faculty from 2006 to 2011 was Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Sydykova Saule Ilyasovna. At that time, the organizational and methodological basis for internships in areas of training was laid, a system for promoting employment was introduced – since 2007, the Job Fair has been held annually, meetings of graduates with employers, and personal distribution of graduates have been organized. Since 2009, the clinical bases of the faculty have been expanded – for the first time field practice was organized in the regions – Almaty, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda, Atyrau, Mangystau, West Kazakhstan, Akmola, North Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. By decision of the Academic Council No. 7 dated February 28, 2012, the dean’s office of vocational training became part of the Higher Medical School of KazNMU (Director of the HMS Balmukhanova Aigul Vladimirovna). In accordance with the Law on Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Decree of the Government of July 27, 2007 No. 319-III LRK), residency was introduced. The first admission to residency was held in 2008, 25 doctors were admitted in 11 specialties. The structural subdivision responsible for the training of doctors in residency was the department of postgraduate studies, doctoral studies and residency. In 2010, in connection with the abolition of postgraduate and doctoral studies, the department was reorganized into the residency department – the head of the department is Orazayeva Flyura Ganievna. Since 2008, 422 doctors have been trained in residency in 25 specialties. Since August 2008, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Darmenov Oralbai Kenzhebaevich has become the dean of the FAT. By the decision of the Academic Council of the University in June 2009. the Faculty of Advanced Training was transformed into the Center for Continuing Education (CCE), on the basis of which independent departments and courses were created. By the decision of the Academic Council of the University No. 7 dated February 28, 2012. The CCE was transformed into the Institute of Postgraduate Education (IPE) of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.

Based on the order of the rector No. 4943 dated 10/16/2014. “On transformations in the structure of educational departments” the dean’s office of vocational training was transformed into the dean’s office of “Internships and residencies” (dean – MD Isenova S.Sh.). From 2016 to September 2017, the internship was part of the Faculty of General Medicine – the dean of the faculty – MD. Shopaeva G.A. In September 2016, the Institute of Postgraduate Education was transformed into the Faculty of Postgraduate Education. Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor Sydykova Saule Ilyasovna was appointed Dean of the Faculty. The activity of the faculty is aimed at the implementation of educational programs of internship, residency in accordance with the norms and requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. By Order No. 623 of August 9, 2018, the Faculty of Postgraduate Education was transformed into the Faculty of Internship and Residency. Since April 2018, Zhankalova Zulfiya Meirkhanovna, doctor of medical sciences, doctor of the highest qualification category, has been appointed Dean of the Faculty.

09/14/2020 by the protocol No. 9 of the Board of Directors “Organizational work of NP-JSC KazNMU named after. S.D. Asfediyarov, the faculty of internship and residency was transformed into the faculty of postgraduate education. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Baimakhanov Abylai Niyatovich was appointed Dean of the Faculty. The activity of the faculty is aimed at the implementation of educational residency programs in accordance with the norms and requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Baimakhanov Abylay Niyatovich
Dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education

st. Mametova, 3, Pushkin corner, room. No.17,
Work phone: 338-70-90, ext.7007,,
Email: [email protected]


Abzhaparova Shalkar Almabekovna
Deputy Dean

Work phone: 338-70-90, ext.75-30,
st. Mametova, 3, Pushkin corner, room. No.16
Email: [email protected]

Khabdin Kurmet Yelubaevich
Deputy Dean
st. Mametova, 3, Pushkin corner, room. No.16
Work phone: 338-70-90, ext.70-54,
Email:[email protected]