Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery.
Master of Public Health
Associate Professor of RAMS
Member of the European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgeons
Excellent in Public Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2013).
Winner of the Project “100 New Faces of Kazakhstan” under the state program “Rukhani zhangiru”.
He is one of the leading cardiac surgeons, fully trained in well-known international centers for heart transplantation. A. Kodasbaev has more than 120 scientific papers, including in international publications with high impact factor, 1 monograph, 7 pre-patents, 1 patent for invention.
Currently he is a member of the party “Nur Otan”, deputy head of the UOZ of Almaty.
А. T. Kodasbaev is an excellent organizer, during his work in the City Cardiology Center were created comfortable conditions for staff and students of six departments of KazNMU named after S. Asfendiyarov. He promotes international cooperation, holding various master classes, training seminars and conferences.
Ph.D, Professor – surgeon of the highest qualification category in cardiovascular surgery. More than 40 years of scientific and practical activity. For a long period of time T. Yegemberdiyev was a responsible executor and head of all-union and republican scientific themes devoted to actual problems of cardiovascular surgery. He took an active part in the development and implementation of new types of reconstructive and restorative surgeries on the heart, aorta, main arteries and veins. Since 1979, bioprostheses of new type of vessels proposed by T.Yegemberdiyev have been widely used in surgical treatment of diseases of aorta and main arteries, as well as in allotransplantation of kidneys, not only in the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also abroad.
Ph.D, Associate Professor of the Department.
Head of the angiosurgery department of the Institute of Surgery LLP, Almaty.
Vice-president of the Kazakhstan Society of Vascular Surgeons
Member of the European Society of Vascular Surgeons
Chairman of the “Angiosurgery” committee.
He is a specialist in the field of reconstructive surgery of aorta and main arteries. N. Kospanov has more than 80 scientific papers, including in international publications with high impact factor, 1 monograph, 12 patents for invention.
Since 2013 he has been an employee of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of Asfendiyarov KazNMU. Since 2021, he has been transferred to the position of associate professor of the department. He actively participates in training and retraining, education of young medical personnel, transfers knowledge, shares his enormous practical experience. In his daily pedagogical work uses all modern achievements of science and technology. He takes an active part in the research work of the university, compilation of methodological recommendations.
He is the chairman of the “Angiosurgery” committee, is engaged in the compilation of professional standards, clinical protocols of diagnosis and treatment.
Ph.D, Professor
Honorary member of the National Surgical Society named after Academician M.M. Mamakeev of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, doctor of the highest qualification category.
Vascular surgeon of the highest category. Surgical experience of 35 years, including 17 years of teaching experience at the university. Graduated from Almaty State Medical Institute. He started his way in medicine as a surgeon of the emergency department of the Central City Clinical Hospital of Almaty. For more than 15 years he headed the department of vascular surgery. In the list of awards S. Tursynbaev has a commendation from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first time in Kazakhstan unique operation on implantation of the hand due to its complete traumatic detachment. He was awarded with the medal of the International Kazakhstani creative association “Ult maktanyshy – Pride of the Nation”, badges of the Association of Physicians of the RK “Altyn dariger”, “Densaulyk saқtau іsine kоskan үlesі ushin”, “II darezheli Kazakhstan shegarashylar үzdіgі”.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Member of the Association of Vascular Surgeons, Association of Phlebologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Chief freelance vascular surgeon of Almaty;
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department, cardiac surgeon of the highest qualification category;
Head of the Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery of “Institute of Surgery” LLP.
He was awarded with a breast badge of the Ministry of Health of the RK ” Қазақстан Республикасы денсаулық сақтау ісінің үздігі” He has published more than 145 printed works, 3 methodical recommendations and received 7 patents for inventions. Total experience in cardiac surgery is more than 26 years. During the whole period of work more than 2500 patients with various surgical pathologies of heart at the age from 0 days of life up to 85 years have been operated independently.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, is one of the leading specialists in the field of interventional cardiology, “Excellent Healthcare Professional of the Republic of Kazakhstan”; Member of the Presidium of the Association of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan, President of the Public Association “Society of Interventional Cardiologists and Endovascular Surgeons of Kazakhstan”; Member of the Expert Council of Central and Eastern Europe on Cardiovascular Surgery
Head of the Department of Endovascular Surgery of the City Cardiology Center, Almaty.
Published: 45 publications, 5 acts of introduction, 2 innovative patents.
Head assistant of the department
Member of the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH).
Secretary of the “Angiosurgery” committee. Member of the working group of project “The Science of Life and Health” at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Responsible for research work of residents.
Assistant of the department
Member of the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH).
Member of the “Cardiac Surgery” committee
Klara Amangeldina is actively engaged in research activities, has repeatedly participated in sessions of international conferences.
She is responsible for clinical work at the department.
Assistant of the department
Doctor – cardiac surgeon, City Cardiology Center of Almaty
She is responsible for educational and social work at the department.