Research work.
Along with teaching, the staff of the department are engaged in research developments and introduction into clinical practice innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases, the organization and conduct of scientific-practical conferences, seminars, clinical testing of new drugs.
At the Department performed scientific researches:
— The international, multi-center, prospective, observational study of patients with multiple sclerosis in partnership with Bayer Schering Pharma.
— The impact of seizures on the cognitive function of children and adolescents.
— The epidemiology of stroke in Kazakhstan.
Employees of the department published more than 600 scientific papers, including more than 20 technical advice on the most pressing issues of diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases.
Employees of the department are the authors of inventions:
- «A method for predicting the risk of stroke in patients of Kazakh nationality»;
- «A method for preventing the risk of stroke»;
- «The process of rehabilitation of patients with ischemic stroke»;
- «A method for detecting epileptic activity.»
At the department were developed methodical recommendations «Methods of clinical assessment of neurological patients» for classroom work for interns.
Published articles:
- Kamenova S.U. The effectiveness of «Hondroksid» in the treatment of subacute and chronic pain of nape localization. Medical Newspaper «Health of Kazakhstan.» 2012, № 1, p.23.
- Kamenova S.U. «Here’s a stray» The magazine «Good Health», 2012, № 4, p.14-15.
- Kamenova S.U. Multiple sclerosis: a modern look at an old problem. Scientific-practical themed magazine. Man and Medicine in 2012. № 7 (11), p.12-17
- Kamenova S.U. The effectiveness of Nucleo CMP Forte capsules in diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Scientific and Practical themed magazine. Man and Medicine in 2012. № 7 (11) p.98-100
- Kamenova S.U. The value of transient ischemic attacks in the development of ischemic stroke. Health and Disease. 2012 № 2 (104). 116-118
- Kamenova S.U. The basic principles of the organization of care of stroke patients. Health and Disease. 2012., № 2 (104). P.115-116
- Kamenova S.U., Nazirov K.M., Kuzhybaeva K.K., Kondybaeva A.M., Multiple sclerosis, the problem of diagnosis and relief. Khabarshy. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference. Innovative technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases. Turkestan, April 29-30, 2013. 14-21.
- Kamenova S.U., Kuzhybaeva K.K., Aralbaeva A.D., Habdina D.K., A.H. Taurbekova Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference. / Innovative technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases. Turkestan, April 29-30, 2013. 101-104
- Kamenova S.U., Nazirov K.M., Aralbaeva A.D., Habdina D.K., A.H. Taurbekova, Mukasheva T.J. Clinical manifestations of tservikokranialgy and special treatment. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference. / Innovative technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases. Turkestan, April 29-30, 2013. P. 297-302
- Kamenova S.U. Come to the senses. The magazine «Good Health», 2013, № 2, p.12-13. Kamenova S.U. Man and the metropolis. Interview. Pharmacy number Kazakhstan in February 2013, 40-44
- Kamenova S.U., Klipitskaya N.K., Kalmeneva I.M. Organization of emergency specialized care to patients with stroke. — Astana medical journal number 3 March 2013, 45-50
- Klipitskaya N.K., Kamenova S.U., Kalmeneva I. Preliminary data of energy adjustment improvement in chronic cerebral ischemia. — Astana number Medical Journal №3 March 2013, p.99-104
- Ospanbekova D.M. Clinical features of neurological syndromes in primary hypothyroidism. — Astana medical journal number 3 March 2013, 149-153