Head of the Department – professor, MD AidargaliyevaNazipa, doctor-cardiologist of higher category, member of European Society on the Heart failure, member of European Society of Cardiologists on Cardiovascular Prophylaxis and Rehabilitation, member of Presidium of Association of cardiologists of KZ. For a contribution to development of medical education and health protection recipient of an award a diploma, Silver medal of КазНМУ, and the sign “For the contribution to the Healthcare practice” of the Ministry of Healthcare.
A department was organized in 2003. Educational and curative work comes true on the clinical bases of department – Municipal Cardiologic Center Алматы and to the Municipal Clinical hospital №7, departure practice of interns is conducted in the different regions of RК. A 1 doctor and 5 candidates of medical sciences work on a department.
The staff of the Department is associate prof. Zhdanov V.V., associate prof. Dzhubanova G.I., associate prof. Kamalova B.B., assistants Nukutova B.T., Abenova A.T., Makhmudova A.K. By them annually a curatively-diagnostic help appears more, than 3 thousand patients with the heavy diseases of internal organs. Scientific остепененность 86% makes on a department.
In accordance with modern system requirements institution of higher learning education in the educational process used interactive teaching methods such as СBL, TBL and case study, work in small groups, round table workshops and brainstorming.
Basic scientific work assignments are perfection of prophylaxis, diagnosticians and treatments cordially – vascular diseases.
Poster paper the lecture of professor Aidargaliyeva N. on a theme “Circadian blood pressure profile in patients with decompensated chronic pulmonary heart in combination with arterial hypertension” is accepted on European congress of “EVRO PREVENT 2015”, that will take place in Lissabon in May 2015.
Main directions of scientific activity – development and improvement of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of cardio – vascular disease. Currently, the department works on university research project “Early detection of heart failure after myocardial revascularization and further prevention of its progress”. To the advanced study interns and residents become familiar with actively. In different years the advanced studies of students, executed under the direction of the staff of the Department. Become familiar with to the advanced study also student, occupy prize places on the Republican and University student conferences under the direction of employees of department, so in 2008 students were awarded with a 3rd level Diploma of the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan at Republican Scientific Research Contest. On a department under the direction of professor Aidargaliyeva N. in PhD докторант studies on speciality “Medicine” with the scientific theme of research of “Peripartum cardiomyopathy in Republic of Kazakhstan”. Over 500 interns, residents, university staff and Almaty medical institutions representatives attended workshops of prof. Dzhishambayev, Deputy director of SRI of Cardiology and internal diseases invited by the Internal Diseases department Interns and residents are actively involved to the scientific and student workgroup, constantly functioning in the department. Associate professor of Kamalova B.B. passed 6-monthly scientific internship in the medical clinic of “Ichilov” (Tel-Aviv, Israel) on speciality “Gastroenterology and hepatology” on the International grant of ” Bolashak” of President of Republic of Kazakhstan.