Module “Allergy” was created in 2012, according to the decision of the Academic CouncilKazNMU named after S. D. Asfendiarov.
Module “Allergy” is based on three clinical sites:
• SCE “City Clinical Hospital № 1” on the PVC.
• City Allergy Center (GDATS) for SCCE “Urban children’s polyclinic № 7”
• National Children’s Hospital “Aksai”.
Head unit – MD, ProfessorIzhanatIspayevaBahitovna.Chief Freelance children’s allergist the Ministry of Health of the RK.Member of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI).
She was awarded the badge «Қазақстан Республикасы денсаулық сактау ісінің ұздігіне»
The organizer of the annual international conference “Asthma and Allergy”, which involved leading experts and abroad in allergy from around the world.
The module “Allergy” has 7 employees of them – 1 MD, 1 PhD, associate professor, 3 allergist doctor of the highest qualification category, 2 doctors allergist first qualifying categories and one specialist allergist, having certified specialist – an allergist. All employees of the module are experienced teachers and specialists who have extensive theoretical and practical experience in allergy and medical education. They teach students the basics of general and specific allergy, practical skills of diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases and the latest advances in the field of allergy.
Monthly 2 times, the Cathedral held meeting with the department staff, to discuss current challenges and issues, exchange of opinions and suggestions.
Employees have a module allergy treatment and advice to patients with allergies at all clinical sites.
On clinical bases module interns learn skills specific diagnosis, functional studies in allergic diseases, first aid skills at allergoses. Bachelors and interns participate in clinical analysis, thematic conferences, participate in the international conference “Asthma and Allergies” Mastering control competency exam is conducted in the form of a 2-step process.