The head of the chair is BerkinbaevSalimFahatovich – professor, doctor of medical sciences, director of “Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Medicine”, awards – “Excellence in Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Parasat” order.
The chair was established as a department of internship of therapy in 1991 by professor, doctor of medical sciences PolimbetovDulatSeitzhanovich., “Excellence in Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan””Excellence in Higher Education”.Professor Polimbetov D.S. was constant leader for over 20 years, in 2013 the department was headed by Professor S.F. Berkinbaev.
The department has 5 main clinical bases, which are the leading large multidisciplinary clinics: Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Medicine; Central Clinical Hospital Administration of the President RK; Military Clinical Hospital of RK; City Heart Center and City Rheumatology Center.
The department has been and remains as one of the leading training centers of interns-therapists. All curricula models of internship in therapy for all republic have been developed with the participation of chair professors.In 2011-2012, according to the education model of KazNMU, were prepared and introduced qualifying characteristic of the graduates of direction “Internal Medicine” and qualification characteristics of the resident – trainee KazNMU in specialty “Cardiology.” With the introduction of an independent assessment of knowledge and skills of interns and residents the chair staff”s knowledge and experiences were in demand for the development of tests and medical simulation scenarios for OSCE.Tests of the department hasconsistently received a positive assessment of the Republican Center for independent assessment of knowledge and skills.
The chair is working on the formation of responsible and competent medical intern, strengthening the practical orientation of the educational process and self study, self-education and developing their clinical thinking.So for 2013-2015 years in this aspect, have been developed and implemented more than 20 interactive learning methods: TBL, case-study, Project-based learning, Patient-based learning, role-playing game, debriefing, brain-ring, creative task, etc.
The hybrid simulation trainings which includes computer simulators and standardized patients for testing and improving the skills of interns were used for several years. This allows to estimate the level of intern’s training in one specific clinical situation in various aspects: theoretical, practical, communicative, and generally level of clinical thinking.More than 50 scenarios using a standardized patients created by the department have been approved by independent experts.
The chair stuff always improve their professional competence, learning both clinical specialties and pedagogical skills: there were being held more than 25 cycles, trainings and seminars including innovational methods, also foreign trainings in methods of teaching in Israel and Austria, in the specialty – Israel, Turkey, Germany, Austria (more than CME 1000 hours) during 3 years. The members of department were working in “Salamatty Kazakhstan” program. Four professors from TOP- 500 universities such as Manfred Tseender (Freiburg), H. Nagaoka (Japan), Yakov Baruch (Tekhnion, Israel) participated in educational process in the framework of a international collaboration in recent 3 years.
There are 6 doctors of medical sciences and 6 candidates of medical sciences work at the chair.Over the past 5 years, members of the department participated in 11 scientific research programs. 30 candidate and 3 doctoral dissertations were completed, 5 monographs were published, 26 guidelines were created, more than 500 scientific articles were published, received 16 patents.
The department constantly innovate the teaching materials in accordance with the latest consensus and clinical guidelines. The seminars, master classes, scientific and practical conferences were carried out (more than 25 in the last 3 years), new methods of diagnosis and treatment were implemented in practice (more than 20 over 3 years).