The chair of Internship is established on 01.08.1991 by order of rector under No. 205 dated 27.06. 1991 on basis of decree, taken by Ministry of Health under No. 291 dated 04.06. 1991. In 1993-1994 academic year, the one-year post-graduation specialization of graduate students is reduced up to 4 months in connection with the preparation of sub-resident – specialists had conducted. The purpose of sub-residency is the initial specialization of graduate student on therapy — is more extent and important division of clinical medicine, which knowledge is need for any physician. The course of professional diseases and alternative medicine is opened in 1994 -1996 academic year under the chair, which has been transferred at the chair of internal diseases of pediatric and dental departments. In 1995-1996 the chair was renamed in the chair of hospital therapy No.3
The preparation of general physician was held at the chair from 1997-1998. The preparation of general physician ( hospital, pediatrician), sub-resident-therapists, specialist in skin and venereal diseases, infection disease doctor, tuberculos-pulmonologist was held in 1998-1999. For preparation of general physician, the therapy knowledge was paramount extent, because the fundamentals of clinical thinking are formed upon study of internal diseases. The students have been studied the skills of medical examination, an ability to interpret competently the results of laboratory- instrumental examinations, made differentiated therapy.
From 1999-2000 the chair is reorganized in the chair of internship on therapy by order of rector of university under No. 207 dated 22.06.1999 on basis of order No. 256 dated 17.05. 1999. The committee of Public Health Care of Kazakhstan.
The preparation of doctor- interns, therapists, phtysiatrists, specialists in skin and venereal diseases, infection disease doctors, VOP is held in 1999-2000 academic year.
In 2000-2001, the intern- therapists and obstetrician- gynecologists have been studied at the chair.
In 2001, the chair was consolidated with the chair of faculty therapy and called as the chair of internal diseases No.1 with courses of exercise therapy, physiotherapy, endocrinology and internship. The students of 4th course medical, pediatric and dental departments, interns-therapists, cardiologists, endocrinologists and particular specialists have studied.
In 2003, the chair was reorganized in the chair of therapy for interns and internal diseases of pediatric, stomatologic and sanitary-hygienic departments. At the present time, the preparation of intern- therapists, endocrinologists and adherent specialists on internal diseases and the study of students of abovementioned departments is held at the chair. The military- filed therapy, professional diseases have taught, too.
In 2003 Mss. Arynova Aliya, as intern-cardiologist and in 2004 Mss. Abirova Assel, as intern- therapist filled the first place in Republican Competition for Best Intern of Medical High Universities of Kazakhstan.
Mr. Polymbetov D.S. as the professor, head of the chair , Mrs. Bamukhamedova R.O. as professor; docents — Polzik G.B., Issayeva B.G., Kassenova S.L., Aimakhanova G.T. , Umbetkulova Y.K., Shelekhov Y.A.; assistants-Abdrakhmanova N.M., Grinina S.A., Ruznenova N.D., Zhakenova M.K are worked at the chair.
The research paper of the chair: “ The clinical and medication aspects of heart failure upon rheumatic heart disease”, “ The capillary fragility dysfunction upon cardiovascular diseases”.
18 Ph.D. thesis and 2 doctoral thesis, 3 monographies, 16 methodical recommendations, more 250 research papers, 10 patents for innovations, 12 improvement suggestions are published.
The specialists of the chair have made general routine of internship on therapy and qualification characteristics for intern- therapists which is p approved by Board UMO Medical Universities of Kazakhstan ( the protocol No.6 dated 29.04. 1999) and Agency of Public Health Care Affairs of Kazakhstan.
The professor and docents of the chair read the methodical recommendations, articles, have reviewed and opposed Ph.D. thesis and doctoral thesis.
The specialists of the chair always have taken part in the seminars, conferences, held in Kazakhstan and in foreign countries. They have attended with reports at the congresses and conferences in foreign countries. The professor –Polymbetov D.S. took part in the program of World Health Organization “Cyndi-Kazakhstan” under National Center on Problems of Healthy life-style formation “The struggle with arterial hypertension” in 1999. All specialists of the chair are members of Association of Doctors and Pharmaceutists of Kazakhstan.
The medical work is made by specialists as supervision over diseased persons, consultations, participation in research — practical conferences in the main basic enterprises ( Central Clinical Hospital, Medical center under administrative department of President of Kazakhstan, Central Military Hospital under Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan, Hospital for Invalid Persons of National War, railway hospital, Municipal Clinical Hospital No.1)
The chair took active part in the conduction “ The Year of health”, “ The city to village”.